Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ASCAP and a song

Greetings readers!

First off, I just applied for ASCAP membership online :) One-time fee of $35 is well-worth it, esp. as a writer! For the record, the Singing Sextet is the name of a group that sang The Lord's Prayer as arranged by
myself. More to come!

Second, some musical motifs are being organized into longer works. This is really a task, and my Composition for Idiots guide does help - completing even a few exercises will sharpen your skills! My preference is actually pencil and paper now (Finale isn't working for Playback, don't know what's wrong there -- and paper and pencil go so well with piano). Currently completing a jazz tune.

Third: finished the Richard Rodgers autobiography and am now reading A History of Film Music by Mervin Cooke (highly recommend) A History of Film Music

Fourth: have acquired an Ipod nano 5th gen and am now taking a few amateur videos....still saving for a nice Mac Mini : ) With Final Cut Express, I can hone my film-music-making process much faster.

Lastly, a rather lengthy book list - on broadway composer biographies - is now compiled, and hopefully I can still dig up a few film composer bios (more recent stories anyway). Oooo and the Henry Mancini autobio arrived today too, hurray!

Stay tuned....don't touch that computer dial!